
7.10. 1st meeting: introduction to the topic of decolonisation, its theories, methods a practices. Introduction to the project overview,   its goals, and expected outcomes.

4.11. 2nd meeting: the topic of the university as a place of knowledge production.

11:40-11:50 Fernanda Schröter Freitas (Student of the TEMA+ Heritage and Development Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Course) research questionnaire

Andreja Mesarič, „Colonialism and Middle Europe – Colonialism withou colonies“

Martin Babička, University as a place of knowledge production in the web of neo-colonial relations“.

Martin Kanaloš, Education system, university and their capacity of ntegration of ethnic minorities through the perspective of a member of a the Roma minority (lecture/workshop)

Ela Plíhalová, Workshop: University as a producer of knowledge and hierarchies

2.12. 3rd meeting: „plurivesity“ the university in cooperation with external cultural actors.

DEBATE: What is the third role of the university? Science popularisation, social responsibility of academics, limits of  public interventions

6.1. 4th meeting: climax. The future in the hands of students and young academics

Foreign guest speakers from 4EU

Research presentations

Shared reflections on the project

Programe will be composed with the colaboration of the students.